Our First Offering with Adrian Ellison Is Now Open For Registration!



Ride the breast surgery journey of coming home to yourself through progressive, integrative and high-quality programming from professionals alongside a community of like-minded women.

Hey! I'm Kendra.

My in-person clients keep repeating to me "you can't just do this one by one in your office for the rest of your life... other women need to know about this!"... Well, ladies, you've inspired me and now, here we are, thank you!

The heart of this project is about guiding women through a process of self-intimacy. It's a wild ride at times but this particular unraveling, going through a breast surgery journey, can be one of the most influential and instrumental processes that a woman can go through.

Why? Because a breast surgery impacts us in big ways and it puts us in direct engagement with different aspects of our physical, emotional and mental health that we may have ignored or neglected in the past. Breast surgery brings that all forward to be healed, which is both scary and incredible!

Thank you for trusting me along your breast surgery journey. I've seen women make amazing changes in my decade of work and I know you can too. My ultimate wish for you is wholeness, to be at home in your body, connected, playful and trusting of yourself. Ready?

"...I’d been afraid to move after the surgery and Kendra gave me the confidence it was not only safe but important to feel free in my body again."



A dynamic breast surgery health and healing app addressing 3 phases of the journey and 6 facets of health.

Each phase of the journey is valued; from the PREP pre-surgery phase, to the RE-BUILD phase that immediately follows surgery and finally the INTEGRATION phase.

We focus on building six areas of health in high quality: Movement, Digestion, Touch, Rest, Inner World and Outer World.

Depending on your needs, bREASTIMACY can be as simple as following the week to week program inside the app, connecting with your peeps in the comfort of your own space or you can have all of that plus attending live virtual educational series, one-to-one sessions and in-person retreats!

Launching Fall 2023!

Join Mailing For Early
Adopter Benefits

Who is bREASTIMACY for?

There's a huge gap in support and high quality guidance for women who are undergoing breast surgery. Surgery is a big deal and this is especially true for breast surgery. This is one of the main reasons that we have carefully curated this program.

This is for you if you've had or plan to have:

  • Implant

  • Explant

  • Mastectomy

  • Reduction

  • Reconstruction

  • Lumpectomy

  • Or any surgery that involves breast tissue

How Does It Work?

bREASTIMACY considers each phase and is broken down into mini sections, offering step by step guidance and best practices for navigating along the way.

We answer common questions like how to prepare for surgery, when is it okay to safely return to exercise and how to work through fears about your partner seeing you physically for the first time. This and much more!

Each phase in broken down into sections and divided up into health pillars that encompass total health!

A breast surgery journey requires an in-depth, thorough and integrative approach. We must consider the pieces of our life story that brought us to this moment. To truly heal, all that must forward in the process so that, ultimately, we are at home and healthy in our body.

We devote our focus to six essential health pillars that are laid out in a "one-stop-shop" kinda of curriculum.

Each component has been specially curated for breast surgery healing and methods to cultivate each of areas of health in high quality.

We practice HIGH QUALITY:

  1. Movement

  2. Digestion

  3. Touch

  4. Rest

  5. Inner World

  6. Outer World

For Healing We Need High Quality:


Movement is the most effective way to restore flow and function to your lymphatic, digestive and nervous system, plugs you back into your body plus it builds mobility and strength.

We prioritize safe return to exercise and get you back to movement practices that you already love plus we introduce you to new ones that are especially powerful for detoxing, joint health and building a body you feel at home in.

Explore various styles of movement like Kendra's signature Circul8 classes plus embodiment sessions for progressively building mobility and strength.


The vitality of our digestive track is essential for total health. Depending on the phase of your breast surgery journey you may be interested in preparing, rebuilding or detoxing your digestive track. We got it all here!

We also emphasize when its appropriate to apply certain protocols because we on a healing journey want to be promoting a thriving gut, not stripping or depleting our energy.

Along with detoxing guidance we also offer restorative & replenishing ways to eat, hydrate and safely supplement.


Learn and practice methods for effectively healing the appearance of your scars but more importantly any physical challenges that arise from scar tissue (and there are many!).

Kendra has refined her scar protocol over her decade of professional practice that is highly effective in re-gaining proper function and flow to your entire body.

Apply simple practices that not only promotes muscle re-education but also circulation, lymph and energy flow while building intimacy, awareness and connection. Plug back into your body through self breast massage and scar tissue protocols that you won't find anywhere else.


Underrated but essential, high quality rest is integrated into each woman's breast surgery journey regardless of lifestyle or where you're at in your journey, we make it work!

Living in a culture that doesn't value sleep, having an array of other health symptoms that challenge our ability to sleep well or having busy lifestyles that make it tricky, are all things we considered when putting together a set of methods to induce high quality rest without actually needing to fall asleep.

Habituate restorative practices into your own healthy lifestyle by methods like Non Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR), Yoga Nidra, circadian rhythm practices and more!

Inner World

A breast surgery journey impacts your inner landscape: your mind, emotions, energy and heart.Integrate your physical healing with a high quality inner world.

Outer World

A supportive high quality container to nourish our vitality is paramount during our breast surgery journey. Create an outer world that strengthens your healing & health goals.


Creator of bREASTIMACY

Kendra Toothill

Adrian Ellison

Retreat Leader

Shae Indiviata

Retreat Leader

Amanda Savage Brown

Content Creator

Dora Chan

Content Creator


For restoring flow, function and friendship to your breasts along your breast surgery journey